Waiter training

qualified waiters

Work as a restaurateur is not just a craft.
It seeks to combine knowledge of economics, numerous drinks, their types and use, negotiation and sales skills.

Wine is an indispensable component of a successful visit to the restaurant, which has a positive impact on the satisfaction of your guests.  

To increase the effectiveness of wine sales in your restaurant, you need the right qualified staff! It is important not only to be able to determine the taste profile of the guests, but to convince them that the extension of the wine menu will be an element that will make their stay in the restaurant unforgettable


  • Increased professionalization of the staff in the service of the restaurant guest
  • Implementation of techniques guaranteeing the growth of wine sales
  • Improving the level of guest satisfaction with staying at a restaurant

Our guarantees:

  • effective waiter training program guarantees a steady increase in wine sales 
  • improving the skills and level of professionalization of the waiter staff
  • organized periodically, conducted by people with extensive training and training experience, having documented knowledge and experience in the field of sales, waiter etiquette and wine.
  • built on the basis of suggestive sales techniques, up- and cross-selling techniques, all in line with the waiter's label. 
  • The program is presented in a workshop manner easily assimilated by the wait staff, allowing it to quickly and effectively implement the techniques discussed for daily service. 

Complexity of glazing based on three blocks (sales, service and content) is a visible increase of knowledge and skills of the staff working in your restaurant, which will quickly translate into economic success and customer satisfaction.



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